如果您使用的是特定的 NTP 服务器提供商(如微软的 "time.windows.com"),您可以查阅他们的文档以获取提供的 IP 地址。通常,这些文档提供了 NTP 服务器的名称和 IP 地址的列表。 参考互联网上的 NTP 服务器资源: 在互联网上有许多公共 NTP 服务器资源,可以通过搜索 "public NTP servers" 来查找。这些资源通常...
Start-Service w32time# 配置时间服务为 NTP 服务器并指定时间同步源$NtpServers= @("0.pool.ntp.org","1.pool.ntp.org")# 可根据需要修改为您所选的 NTP 服务器地址$NtpServersString=$NtpServers-join","# 设置 NTP 服务器同步源Set-ItemProperty -Path"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\P...
None of the designated NTP servers are reachable/functioning or legitimate.test - ntp_stratum : WarningThe local clock is not synchronised. None of the designated NTP servers are reachable/functioning or legitimate. skip - sdl_fragmentation : This module must be ru...
[root@node ~]# grep server /etc/ntp.conf # Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project. #server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst server ntp.aliyun.com iburst #broadcast autokey # broadcast server #broadcast autokey # multicast server #manycastserver 239.255.254....
命令utils ntp server list显示系统上配置的NTP服务器。 命令utils ntp server add ntp_address将新的NTP服务器添加到系统。 注意:请记住,如果您想要添加新的NTP服务器,CUCM服务器会在添加之前测试可接通性,如果失败,则会显示下一个错误。 使用utils ntp server delete命令可以删除系统...
Once restarted, you can monitor ntpd with the command ntpq -p. This will list all of the NTP server in use, and include diagnostic information for all known NTP servers. It may take several minutes for an NTP server to be selected and synchronized with. Once an NTP server is selected, ...
# Name/IP Address NP NR Span Frequency Freq Skew Offset Std Dev # === # 16 11 201 -1.609 17.452 +1817us 1128us # 16 10 201 +4.291 31.560 -3671us 2106us 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12....
# Use servers from the NTP Pool Project. Approved byUbuntuTechnical Board # on 2011-02-08 (LP: #104525). See http://www.pool./join.html for # more information. server 0.us.pool. server 1.us.pool. server 2.us.pool. server 3.us.pool. ...
[root@ntpserver~]# netstat -nuplActiveInternetconnections (only servers)ProtoRecv-QSend-QLocalAddressForeignAddressStatePID/Programname udp00172.27.9.131:1230.0.0.0:*17174/ntpd udp00127.0.0.1:1230.0.0.0:*17174/ntpd udp000.0.0.0:1230.0.0.0:*17174/ntpd ...
ping 一下ip [root@master ~]# ping ntp.aliyun.com PING ntp.aliyun.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=50.0 ms 问题处理 unable to bind to wildcard address systemctl status ntpd 查看状态碰到下面这种情况...