Yes. Huawei Cloud provides the NTP server, and you can use it only on the ECSs you have purchased on the Huawei Cloud management console.You can use the Huawei-provided N
server iburst互联网上的ntp服务器 利用server设置上层NTP服务器,设置方式为: server host [ key n ] [ version n ] [ prefer ] [ mode n ] [ minpoll n ] [ maxpoll n ] [ iburst ] 其中host是上层NTP服务器的IP地址或域名,随后所跟的参数解释如下所示: key:表示所有发往...
- secondary ntp server 0 Kudos luisolavarrieta New Member 11-14-2011 04:30 PM Re NTP setting switch & computer this is exactly what i looking for, but know i have a question. im in Mexico City (GMT -6). Im able to sincronize but it ADDs this hrs. how...
4.The mild steel plates offer excellent corrosion resistance property in the server's environments. The MILD STEEL PLATES provide high resistance to nitric and chloride corrosion in sulfide solutions. These plates offer high strength, tensile, yield, mechanical strength, du...
- secondary ntp server 0 Kudos luisolavarrieta New Member 11-14-2011 04:30 PM Re NTP setting switch & computer this is exactly what i looking for, but know i have a question. im in Mexico City (GMT -6). Im able to sincronize but it ADDs this hrs. how...
- secondary ntp server 0 Kudos luisolavarrieta New Member 11-14-2011 04:30 PM Re NTP setting switch & computer this is exactly what i looking for, but know i have a question. im in Mexico City (GMT -6). Im able to sincronize but it ADDs this hrs. how...
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 21 Apr 28 13:01 /etc/zoneinfo/localtime -> ./America/Mexico_City# 0 Kudos Ivan Ferreira Honored Contributor 09-28-2005 07:19 AM Re: Help with NTP There is something that I don't really understand, from here: