Windows Server 2016 已改进用于纠正时间和调整本地时钟的算法,方便与协调世界时 (UTC) 同步。 网络时间协议 (NTP) 根据客户端请求/响应和服务器请求/响应的时间戳使用 4 个值来计算时间偏移。 但网络充满干扰,且由于网络拥塞以及影响网络延迟的其他因素,可能导致 NTP 数据出现峰值。 Windows Server 2016 算法使用...
Here is the old standby - Written before 2016 was released, but ntp hasn't changed. . : | : . : | : . tim Monday, March 6, 2017 2:31 AM Hi, You could configure time...
你可以在你的域中实现低至一毫秒的时间精度。 有关详细信息,请参阅支持高精度时间边界和Windows Server 2016 准确时间。 注意 请勿使用 Net time 命令来配置或设置运行 Windows 时间服务时,计算机的时钟时间。 此外,在运行 Windows XP 或更早版本的较旧计算机上,Net time /querysntp 命令显示网络时间协议 (NTP)...
如果在命令ntp-service unicast-server或ntp-service unicast-peer中指定了NTP报文的源接口,则以ntp-service unicast-server或ntp-service unicast-peer指定的为准。 操作步骤 执行命令system-view,进入系统视图。 执行命令ntp-service[ipv6]source-interfaceinterface-typeinterface-number[vpn-instancevpn-instance-name],...
display current-configuration interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] | interface-name ] [ include-default ] Configure a listening interface for the NTP server. Configure a listening interface for an IPv4 NTP server. ntp server source-interface { interface-name |interface-...
Windows NTP Server (Disabled) Policy Path:Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Windows Time Service\Time Providers\Enable Windows NTP Server Current Setting: You plan toDisablethis policy. Effect: When this setting isdisabled, the Windows Time service willnot function as an NTP...
View each Network Time Protocol (NTP) server configuration on the Sun Secure Application Switch. Creating an NTP server configuration allows synchronization of the Sun Secure Application Switch system clock with other network clocks. This helps ensure accurate data delivery through the network. ...
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command....
Windows XP NTP服务端设置配置Windows XP时间服务可以使用内部硬件时钟,也可以使用外部时钟源。使用内部硬件时钟使用内部硬件时钟的设置过程如下,注意,在修改注册表之前,请先将注册表备份。打开注册表:单击“开始”,单击“运行”,键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。启用 NTPServer找到并单击注册表子项【HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...
step-tickers is used by ntpdate where as ntp.conf is the configuration file for the ntpd daemon. ntpdate is initially run to set the clock before ntpd to make sure time is within 1000 sec. ntp will not run if the time difference between the server and client by more then 1000 sec (...