Your alerts About the company NTN CORPORATION is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of axle bearings, constant-velocity joints and precision equipment for automobile, industrial machinery and repair commercial markets. The Company operates through four geographic segments, ...
NTN CORPORATION Calendar NTN Corporation Equities 6472 JP3165600002 Industrial Machinery & Equipment DelayedJapan Exchange 12:32:14 2025-03-21 am EDT5-day change1st Jan Change 256.70JPY-0.73% +2.97%+0.79% Feb. 05NTN Swings to Nine-Month LossMT ...
NTN CORPORATION is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufacture and sale of axle bearings, constant-velocity joints and precision equipment for automobile, industrial machinery and repair commercial markets. The CoView full business profile Explore our tools Growth CalculatorBETA Explore the ...
NTN Corporation (hereafter, NTN) will exhibit for the first time at the “2024 Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition” to be held in PACIFICO Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, from November 14 to 16. This event is an exposition held every other year by Japan Die Casting Association, where the ...
Korea China UAE Taiwan Australia Japan NTN CORP. Official website HEADQUARTER |Others| Daibiru-Honkan Bldg., 3-6-32, Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku, Osaka 530-0005, Japan Phone : +81-6-6443-5001 Singapore NTN BEARING-SINGAPORE (PTE)LTD. Official website ...
2019年05月AstraグループのPT. Inti Ganda Perdana (IGP)と合弁契約を締結し、ジャワ島西部のカラワン地区 (KIM工業団地) に等速ジョイントを製造する合弁会社を設立すると発表。 2021年06月平鍛造株式会社を連結子会社化。 2021年07月フランス、AnnecyにNTN Europe Holdings SASを設立。
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(信托账户) 4.34 明治安田生命保险相互会社 4.01 恩梯恩共荣会 3.26 株式会社三菱UFJ银行 2.49 恩梯恩员工持股会 2.36 摩根大通证券株式会社 2.23 第一生命保险株式会社 1.75 日本生命保险相互会社 1.73 三菱UFJ信托银行株式会社 1.52 合计 37.27免费...
NTN Corporation (hereafter, NTN) announces that it has become an official partner of the “2025 Japan World Expo Committee” which conducts activities to invite the World Expo that will take place in 2025 to Japan (Osaka). As a company that has established its head office in Osaka, NTN ...
JIMTOF 2022第31届日本国际机床展览会,于11月8日至13日在日本东京国际展示中心举行,主要包括各类切削、磨削、成形等机床;机床工具;精密测量仪器;控制器等等,以及轴承、导轨等附件,其中有关轴承产品展示企业中包括NSK Ltd.、NTN Corporation、JTEKT Corporation、SKF Japan Ltd.、NIPPON THOMPSON Co.,LTD等。下面我们就...
AMERICAN NTN BEARING MFG. CORPORATION Schiller Park 9515 Winona Avenue, Schiller Park, Illinois 60176, U.S.A. Tel:847-671-5450 Fax:708-681-5298 Elgin Plant 1500 Holmes Road, Elgin, Illinois 60123 U.S.A. Tel:847-741-4545 Fax:847-888-1226 ...