NTIRE 2023赛道列表 Efficient Super-Resolution赛道赛题介绍 今年NTIRE 2023 比赛的 Efficient SR 赛道主要进行的是 4x 超分任务,评价指标是在 DIV2K 验证集上 PSNR 达到 29.00dB 的基础上,比较运行时间、参数量、Flops、激活数量及深度等。 其中Efficient SR 评价指标需要注意的点在于,一个比较低的parameters和 flo...
Residual local feature network for efficient super-resolution. In CVPR, 2022. 11 [23] Wei-Sheng Lai, Jia-Bin Huang, Narendra Ahuja, and Ming- Hsuan Yang. Deep laplacian pyramid networks for fast and accurate super-resolution. In CVPR, 2017. 1 [...
NTIRE 2023 challenge on efficient super-resolution: Meth- ods and results. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Confer- ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Work- shops, 2023. 2 [34] Yawei Li, Yulun Zhang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte, et ...
See also the NTIRE 2023 Efficient Super-Resolution Challenge. Benchmark More information in our report. Performance of baseline methods We use the script test.py to measure the runtime performance of the baseline models. We use GPU warm-up and average the runtime over n=244 repetitions. Result...
📖 Spatially-Adaptive Feature Modulation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution [Paper] [Supp] Long Sun,Jiangxin Dong,Jinhui Tang, andJinshan Pan IMAG Lab, Nanjing University of Science and Technology An overview of the proposed SAFMN. SAFMN first transforms the input LR image into the featu...
前段时间,NTIRE2023各个竞赛落下帷幕,近期各个冠亚军方案提出者也在逐步公开方案细节。今天给大家概要介绍一下"RTSR-Track1"赛道冠军方案,方案提出者来自华为诺亚与华为海思。 1AsConvSR 由于竞赛同时关注PSNR与推理耗时(计算方式如下),所以网络结构的设计尤其要关注下耗时因素的影响。
NTIRE 2023 challenge on efficient super-resolution: Meth- ods and results. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Confer- ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Work- shops, 2023. 2 [39] Yawei Li, Yulun Zhang, Luc Van Gool, Radu Timofte, et al. NTIRE 2023 challenge on imag...
NTIRE 2023 challenge on efficient super-resolution: Meth- ods and results. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Confer- ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Work- shops, 2023. 2 [54] Song Chang, Youfang Lin, and Shuo Zhang. Flexible hybrid lens...