5 float result=0.0; 6 7 result=resistance/NTC_NOMINAL_RESISTANCE; 8 result=(log(result)/NTC_NOMINAL_CONSTANT)+(1/(NTC_NOMINAL_TEMPERATURE+KELVIN_CONSTANT)); 9 temp=1/result-KELVIN_CONSTANT; 10 11 return temp; 12 } 分段线性法: 步骤如下: 采用excel 表格自动生成 C 语言中包含 AD 与温度的...
floattemp; floatresult=0.0; result=resistance/NTC_NOMINAL_RESISTANCE; result=(log(result)/NTC_NOMINAL_CONSTANT)+(1/(NTC_NOMINAL_TEMPERATURE+KELVIN_CONSTANT)); temp=1/result-KELVIN_CONSTANT; returntemp; } (2)查表法 查表法顾名思义就是通过电阻分度表来获取温度区间,再做拟合。首先我们需要建立相应...
根据以上公式我们可以通过检测电阻来计算温度: 登录后复制/*公式法计算NTC温度值*/floatNTCTemperature(NTCObjectType *ntc,floatresistance){floattemp;floatresult=0.0; result=resistance/ntc->nominalR; result=(log(result)/ntc->nominalR)+(1/(ntc->nominalT+KELVIN_CONSTANT)); temp=1/result-KELVIN...
但我收到错误:从“‘char*”到“’const uint8_t*”的转换无效定义一个指向字符常量的指针,这里,ptr是一个指向 char* 类型的常量,所以不能用ptr来修改所指向的内容,换句话说,*ptr的值为const,不能修改。但是ptr的声明并不意味着它指向的值实际上就是一个常量,而只是意味着对ptr而言,这个值是常量。...
2.消费电子应用的测温电路 在手机,平板以及一些电子消费类产品中,都会有用到NTC进行温度检测。 此图是最简单的,也是最常用的NTC温度检测的电路图。 其中 R1为精度1%,阻值为390K的电阻。 RT1即为我们的NTC热敏电阻。 C1为1nF的电容,可加可不加。加的话可以滤除来自电源的或者电路板感应而来的高频干扰信号。在一...
This ACEPACK 2 power module in fourpack topology integrates advanced silicon carbide Power MOSFET technology from STMicroelectronics. The module leverages the innovative properties of the wide-bandgap SiC material and a high-thermal-performance substrate. The result is exceptionally low on-resistance per...
int16_t result; result= (param -32) *5/9;returnresult; } get the NTC temperature constfloatRp=10000.0;//10KconstfloatT2 = (273.15+25.0);//T2constfloatBx =3435.0;//BconstfloatKa =273.15; uint8_t ip5332_get_battery_temperature(float*temperature) ...
8 result=(log(result)/NTC_NOMINAL_CONSTANT)+(1/(NTC_NOMINAL_TEMPERATURE+KELVIN_CONSTANT)); 9 temp=1/result-KELVIN_CONSTANT; 10 11 return temp; 12 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (2)查表法 查表法顾名思义就是通过电阻分度表来获取温度区间,再做拟合。首先我们需要...
Vishay products are not designed for use in life-saving or life-sustaining applications or any application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death unless specifically qualified in writing by Vishay. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly ...
Clicking on a result will open a window with all the parameters used for that compression run. From that window, you can restore the parameters from that compression result into the main UI and restore the compressed image into the image view. ![Experiment log and the Result Details window]...