BNP、NT-ProBNP用于排除心衰诊断的价值更高。排除慢性心衰诊断的临界值:BNP小于35pg/mL,NT-ProBNP小于125pg/mL;排除急性心衰诊断的临界值:BNP小于100pg/mL、NT-ProBNP小于300pg/mL。 BNP、NT-ProBNP在疑似心衰诊断中的应用 ③指导治疗 检测BNP、NT-ProBNP最理想的2个时...
Comparison of BNP and NT-proBNP assays in the approach to the emergency diagnosis of acute dyspnea. J Clin Lab Anal 2006;20:227 -32.Sanz MP, Borque L, Rus A, Vicente B, Ramirez Y, Lasa L. Comparison of BNP and NT-proBNP assays in the approach to the emergency diagnosis of acute ...
[4] Chenevier-Gobeaux C, Claessens YE, Voyer S,et al. Influence of renal function on N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP) in patients admintted for dyspnoea in the emergency department:comparison with brain natriuretic peptide (...
BNPvsNT-proBNP之分子活性的不同BNP是一个活性的分子,它的释放可以调节外周血流动力学及容量超负荷的改变 NT-proBNP是一个非活性的氨基酸片断,它的释放不会对外周血流及容量超负荷进行调节BNP相关专家在制订指南时认为NT-proBNP是一个非活性的氨基酸片断不具有BNP一模一样的功能(BNPExpertConsensusPanel...
[4] Chenevier-Gobeaux C, Claessens YE, Voyer S,et al. Influence of renal function on N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide(NT-proBNP) in patients admintted for dyspnoea in the emergency department:comparison with brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)[J]. Clin Chim Acta, 2005, 361(1-2) : ...
8、opeptidase, NEP) 进行 BNP在诊断呼吸困难疾病方面受肾功能的影响较小,适当地调整诊断阈值,可以对合并肾功能疾病的心衰患者做出准确的诊断,NT-proBNP BNP,BNP vs NT-proBNP 之 清除机制研究,BNP vs NT-proBNP 之 清除机制研究,Ray, et al. Comparison of brain natriuretic peptide and probrain natriuretic ...
Comparison of brain natriuretic peptide and probrain natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of cardiogenic pulmonary edema in patients ages 65 and older. JAGS, 2005;53:643-648. Ray et al. 研究表明:对于老年心衰患者,BNP 的结果比NT-proBNP 更有价值,ROC曲线下面积更有优越性 NT-pro BNP 的结果受肾...
12] Melanson SEF, Lewandrowski EL. Laboratory testing for B-type natriuretic peptides (BNP and NT-proBNP): clinical usefulness, utilization, and impact on hospital operations. Am J Clin Pathol. 2005;124 Suppl:S122–S128. 13] Masson S, Latini R, Anand IS, et al. Direct comparison of ...
综述Zongshu 《中国医学创新》第 20 卷第 3 期(总第 609 期)2023 年 1 月 BNP及NT-proBNP在慢性肾脏病中的 研究进展 闫倩① 石东英① 【摘要】 慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)由于其高发病率和死亡率,已成为全世界范 围内的严重健康问题,心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease,CVD)是 CKD 患者常见...
BNP and NT-proBNP determination in Beijing PLA general hospital from the year of 2004 to 2006.The factors influencing the levels of BNP and NT-proBNP were analyzed through the comparison with results from 77 age and gender-matched healthy volunteers.ROC was used to evaluate the mles of BNP ...