We use Palm and Easysync on NT workstation. In order for the user to use the Palm desktop, the software must be installed under that user's name. The way we do it is to temporarily make the user an Admin. Install the software, then remove the user from Admin. This seems to work ...
四人小组加起来数量也刚好够用 05:33 是的,没有器材用学具袋挺好的,还有胶带
【视频】一周要闻(2021-12-19) 主要内容 1.郭瑞民到贞丰调研乡村振兴和开展“双联双促”工作; 2.【奋力在生态文明建设上出新绩——中央生态环境保护督察贵州进行时】贞丰:生态治理让荒山变青让百姓增收; 3.【奋斗百年路 启航新征程】珉城社区:群众会上...