NT-proBNP does not show significant correlation to age, weight, BMI, WHR, WSR, systolic or diastolic blood pressure and results from oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), except for immunoreactive insulin (IRI) at 120 min. NT-proBNP correlates weakly with HDL, but not with other indices of ...
Finding a simple blood test to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with congestive heart failure could have a favorable impact on the costs asso... A Maisel - 《Journal of Cardiac Failure》 被引量: 671发表: 2001年 Point-of-care Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Acute Cardiogeni...
Attempts to improve risk stratification have been made with the development of prognostic tests, such as Prolaris [3], Oncotype DX [4], and Decipher [5]. Most such expression-based prognostic signatures for prostate cancer have in common that they were derived using supervised steps, involving ...
Elsevier 万方医学 dx.doi.org Europe PMC NCBI 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Introduction of metoprolol increases plasma B-type cardiac natriuretic peptides in mild, stable heart failure. The effect of beta-blockade on the cardiac natriuretic peptides is poorly understood but could contribute to...
Oncomine DX Target Test 如果说FoundationFocus™ CDxBRCA获批是因为在BRCA基因突变方式上NGS占据优势的话,那在2017年6月23日FDA批准Oncomine DX Target Test则标志着FDA在监管理念上的一大突破,即突破了原有的“One CDx, One Treatment”升级为“One...
https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/new-findings-from-universal-dx-through-a-simple-blood-test-our-body-s-gut-bacteria-can-help-detect-early-stage-colorectal-cancer/ 科迪乳业,被申请破产重整 作者:食业家 解读:Jack Chen 来源:FoodTalks...
We used the Pearson and Kendall correlation test for quantitative variables and the non-parametrical Mann–Whitney test for qualitative variables. The average maternal age was: NPW 33.2 years, HGS 33.8 years; average gestational age at delivery: NPW 38.5 weeks, HGS 35.3 weeks; first pregnancy: ...
DXX-Rebirth to May 6, 2024 build BigPemu to v113 (Linux Build) Xenia to v1.0.2815 Vita3K to June 5, 2024 build Sonic-Mania to Mar 7, 2024 build Libretro-Cap32 to May 15, 2024 build Libretro-Arduous to May 14, 2024 build Libretro-Beetle-PCE to May 3, 2024 build Libretro-Beetle...
Breakout 光缆类型(分单元光缆) Simplex(SX)单芯 Duplex(DX)双芯 Singlemode(SM)单模 Mutilmode(MM)多模 Bare fiber裸纤 Tight紧的 Loose松散的 Buffer缓冲层 Tight buffer紧包 Loose buffer松套 Empty空管,空的 Round圆的 Flat twin扁平分支缆 Fan-out圆形分支缆 Pigtail尾纤 OFNR(Riser) 普通防火等级(相当于...
30 And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ 31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Go ahead, then,...