NT增厚可能由多种原因造成,遗传因素是其中之一。 无创产前基因检测(non-invasive prenatal testing,NIPT)是采用新一代高通量测序技术,利用孕妇外周血中的游离胎儿DNA进行胎儿常见染色体非整倍体筛查,是近年来快速发展起来的安全、高效、易于推广的产前筛查新方式,明显提高了染色体疾病产前筛查的灵敏度和特异度。该方法最...
[QA.NT.1] Evaluate code quality through static testing PDFRSS Category: FOUNDATIONAL Static testing is a proactive method of assessing the quality of code without needing to run it. It can be used to test application source code, as well as other design artifacts...
为促进心衰早期诊断,共识建议使用FIND-HF原则,即应用疲劳(Fatigue)、水潴留(Increased water accumulation)、利钠肽检测(Natriuretic peptide testing)和呼吸困难(Dyspnoea)四个特征来诊断心衰(HF)。 充血伴脚踝水肿或肺部湿啰音不应该是怀疑心衰的先决条件,心衰应该早在症状和体征严重到需要住院前就做出诊断。许多患者在...
为促进心衰早期诊断,共识建议使用FIND-HF原则,即应用疲劳(Fatigue)、水潴留(Increased water accumulation)、利钠肽检测(Natriuretic peptide testing)和呼吸困难(Dyspnoea)四个特征来诊断心衰(HF)。 充血伴脚踝水肿或肺部湿啰音不应该是怀疑心衰的先决条...
当然,随着临床需求的增加,即时检验(point-of-care testing,POCT)也广泛应用于临床。专家共识推荐院前急救、急诊分诊、胸痛中心、重症监护病房(ICU)、冠心病监护病房(CCU)等处理急危重症患者的医疗场所常规配备可检测BNP/NT-proBNP 的 POCT 设备,并且中心实验室具备BNP/...
We have a team of skilled and experienced maintenance engineers with deep experience in the electronics industry, capable of repairing various imported equipment precision circuit boards. With high-tech and advanced testing and maintenance equipment, as well as good service guarantee, we have established...
Over the last 25 years, our company has been involved in the development, production and support of research instrumentation, primarily, atomic force microscopes (AFM) and its combinations with ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy for nanotechnology and its
Testing stable functions of nichetoolbox. Contribute to luismurao/ntbox development by creating an account on GitHub.
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