支持在部署 NSX Manager 和 Intelligence 时选择磁盘的置备模式(精简置备或厚置备) Traceflow 支持 Spoofguard:当流量被 Spoofguard 丢弃时,Traceflow 能够进行展示 当主机被移出 NSX 集群时,NSX 相关组件会被自动卸载 支持SNMP Trap 提供交互式的网络拓扑图:拓扑图可以包含 T0、T1、分段、VM、容器等组件,并支持导出...
- Provides the ability for you to selectively enable NSX Intelligence to collect data on a subset of ESXi hosts or clusters of hosts, which aids in scale management and license compliance. SeeConfigure NSX Intelligence Settingsfor details. NSX Intelligence Visualizations Workload View Enhancements : ...
VMware NSX 4.x Resolution The following table outlines specific functions available by edition. NSX Data Center is available as a single download image with license keys required to enable specific functionality.
VMware NSX 4.x Resolution The following table outlines specific functions available by edition. NSX Data Center is available as a single download image with license keys required to enable specific functionality.
如果客戶已經採購了NSX Data Center Advanced / Enterprise Plus授權,想要在上面啟用IDPS功能,僅需要採購 “ATP add-on to NSX DC” 的訂閱授權即可。在此授權內,包含了IDPS / NSX Intelligence / 以及Lastline相關的NDR / Sandbox功能在內。 如果在獨立環境要部署全新的NSX,且企業僅著重...
The Gateway Firewall product can be deployed either as a Virtual Machine (VM) or as an ISO image on physical servers depending upon the license procured. The Gateway Firewall Editions listed above are applicable for both the VM and ISO based deployments. ...
• Advanced Threat Protection • • • • included with FortiCare Subscription included with FortiCare Subscription • •• included with FortiCare Subscription • FortiGuard Bundles FortiGuard Labs delivers a number of security intelligence services to augment the FortiGate firewall platform...
As the intelligence function stays at the switches, the switches can react to any network failure without having to ask the controller what to do. Because a highly available scale-out cluster of at least three APIC nodes is used, any controller outage does not diminish the capabiliti...
MOVE Agentless AntiVirus safeguards virtualised environments using advanced malware protection; integrating real-time threat intelligence with security management whilst offloading all on-access scanning to a dedicated service virtual machine. The agentless solution integrates with NSX Manager and Service Compo...
NSX Firewall with Advanced Threat Prevention Edition: For organizations needing Firewall, and advanced threat prevention features. The following table outlines specific functions available by edition. NSX Security is available as a single download image with license keys required to enable specific functio...