Before the release of VMware Cloud Director version 10.4, Cloud Services Providers would deploy the NSX-T Advanced Load Balancer controller using either the Basic or Enterprise license, depending on each customer’s specific requirements. With this approach, the controller license deployed for each cus...
推广VMware NSX ALB(原Avi)已经有段时间了. 经常在与客户的交流中提及ALB可以借助自身数控分离的结构, 虚拟化基建, 水平扩缩ALB实例, 实现性能的弹性. 但其实这是有几个前提的, 一是后端池自身性能足够, 二是有足够的License允许ALB水平扩展. 抛开这两个前提只说ALB自己能水平扩缩没有业务价值. 在公有云的使...
前篇內我們詳盡地就NSX Advanced Load Balancer的授權計價單位Service Unit進行說明。無論客戶是採用地端訂閱授權或雲訂閱授權,購買的Service Unit數量會在NSX ALB的Controller內顯示,而當管理者進行服務引擎 (Service Engine) 部署時,即會由已經購買的授權數量內進行扣除。下圖內即顯示,在Controller的License頁面內,會顯...
Avi 的正式名称是 NSX Advanced Load Balancer(简称为 NSX-ALB),它来自 VMware 于 2019 年收购的纯软件 ADC(应用交付控制器,俗称负载均衡)公司——Avi Networks,因此我们一般俗称这个产品叫做 Avi。 和NSX 一样,Avi 同样采用了基于 SDN 的转控分离的架构,配置和部署就变得非常简单,且能实现资源池,有很好的弹性...
This document focuses on enabling NSX Advanced Load Balancer using the license model: Enterprise License (VMware NSX ALB Enterprise). To configure licensing, navigate to Administration > Licensing, and click on the gear icon to change the license type to Enterprise....
Each service engine contributes to the CPU core capacity associated with a license. Sharing service engines can help reduce the licensing cost. TKO-ALB-008 Configure anti-affinity rules for the NSX ALB controller cluster. This is to ensure that no two controllers ...
•Customer trying to import a NX-ALB-SC-TLSS-C SKU based serial key on v21.1.3 Resolution If a valid active VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) serial key license is not working on your existing Avi Controller version, follow these steps to resolve the issue. ...
•Customer trying to import a NX-ALB-SC-TLSS-C SKU based serial key on v21.1.3 Resolution If a valid active VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) serial key license is not working on your existing Avi Controller version, follow these steps to resolve the issue. ...
Unfortunately the new VMware by Broadcom billing models makes NSX no financially viable in the market compared to traditional virtual firewall products such as Fortigate and Palo Alto due to the licensing requirements for DFW, North South Firewall and Load balancing of NSX ALB Service Engines. Sh...
相關資訊請參考 連結內關於授權過期的討論。 運作NSX ALB的軟硬體成本除了軟體授權外還有什麼? 如果真的要寫,上面這個問題又可以長篇大論一兩篇。但簡而言之,NSX ALB的真實運作成本除了本身的軟體授權外,應該還要考量底層的Infrastructure資源成本...