NSWTertiaryStudentConcessionCard InformationforStudents ©StateofNSWthroughTfNSWPage1of4 Documentversion-21February2013 Eligibilitycriteria Transportconcessionsarenotanautomaticentitlementforalltertiarystudents. ANSWTertiaryStudentConcessionCardmayonlybeissuedtoastudentwho: a)isanAustraliancitizenorpermanentresidentof...
(a) is the holder of a Pensioner Concession card issued by the Commonwealth that is in force, or (b) is a full-time student, or (c) is a non-profit organisation (including a person applying for or on behalf of a non-profit organisation). Part 4 Miscellaneous 10 Exempt documents under...