points of intervention and elaboration (e.g. technical and evaluation reports, records of parliamentary debate and inquiry), and forms of public engagement (e.g. media reports, organization advocacy material, petitions). Policy
its historical significance and how it has been promoted to the State Library's audiences. The authors reflect on how the archive charts the evolution and growth of Australia's longest-running humanitarian organisation and how it contains the records of people who made history, but did not write...
Dacey Garden Suburb was “a test case for state intervention in the real estate market” and it did demonstrate that the government could be “an effective provider of housing” [ibid.]. How much however individual working class families benefitted from the opening-up of DGS, is a matter of...
refers to Mary Briggs having been killed on 21 December 1930. The letter seeks information of the whereabouts of the witnesses to Mary’s will dated 29 August 1917. The letter is addressed to the officer in charge of base records in Melbourne. A reply on 3 February provides the last known...
In lieu of an , here is a brief excerpt of the content: 1 1 Introduction Motivation and Goal This study explores the inclusion and exclusion of a certain category of records in the archives preserved by the "Archives Depot of the Territo... ELLEN NDESHI NAMHILA - "Little Research Value"...
Сравнитетрафик records.nsw.gov.au с archives.alaska.gov, узнайте, почему records.nsw.gov.au занимает 0 местовкатегорииПравительство, а archives.alaska.gov — 0. Нажмитездес
records.nsw.gov.au декабрь 2024 Весьтрафик archives.alaska.gov the alaska state archives offers public access to state agency records, educates agencies about records retention, andПоказатьбольше - - ...
In NSW the availability of excavation records, physical remains (primarily artefacts), technical datasets, and reports associated with a historical archaeological project can only be described as varied. These forms of data can be collectively termed an archaeological archive. The storage of archives ...