Postal address Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124 Service of legal documents Please send any legal documents for service, including subpoenas, Media enquiries ...
In August, the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Victor Dominello, announced the state's plans to create awhole-of-government Data Analytics Centre. At the time, Dominello said data was one of the greatest assets held by government, but said when it is buried in bureaucracy, it...
Data indicated that teachers are guided in their planning by outcomes yet state them differentially according to key learning area; that stated outcomes are short term and specified more in relation to skills than knowledge or values; that teachers are not strongly influenced by the previous state ...
Liverpool Council says the state government has backed down on its suspension threat and elections will go ahead next Saturday. Earlier this year, Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig threatened to suspend councillors after a report found allegations of widespread dysfunction at the organisation....
New South Wales (NSW) Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation Kevin Anderson has announced the state government is building a digital twin of NSW that it believes will help with urban planning. "The NSW Digital Spatial Twin is a digital real-world model of NSW," Anderson said at CeBIT...
Minister for Climate Change Minister for Energy Minister for the Environment Minister for Heritage The Honourable John Graham MLC Special Minister of State Minister for Roads Minister for the Arts Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy
an area to be a State significant site. When declaring a site to be of State planning significance, the Minister will also establish the planning regime for that site. These provisions will be used to deliver the State’s planning objectives on major sites important in ...
PlanningPolicy(Infrastructure)2007 ISBN9780734759429 ©NSWGovernment2008 NSWDepartmentofPlanning January2008 DP08_005 Disclaimer:Whileeveryreasonableefforthasbeenmadetoensurethatthis documentiscorrectatthetimeofpublication,theStateofNewSouthWales, ...
17.Ruvimbo Timba, a planning officer at the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and formerly of Western Sydney University, is a co-author of this article. 18.The Australian government has funded a PNG team in the Queensland state rugby competition, and a Fijian team in the NSW state...
NSW Roads Minister John Graham asked drivers to check their eligibility for toll relief on the Service NSW website. Pixabay The New South Wales government has revealed that AU$140 million in toll relief remains unclaimed as of Jan. 13 and has urged drivers to check if they qualify for the ...