今天,新南威尔士州发布了2018/19财年的州担保职业清单,即 NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List (NSW 190 List). 通过对比发现,与上一财年相比,共有9个职业被移除,新增2个职业。 NSW 190 移除职业 141311 Hotel or Motel Manager 254411 Nurse Practitioner 312111 Architectural Draftsperson 233914 Engineering ...
由于该职业适用范围较广,本财年极可能成为热门职业。就在本周,新州正式将该职位纳入了190职业清单(NSW 190 List)。 Livestock Farmers为今年新增职业。 新州州担保详解 4天前,新州政府更新了2018-19财年的190州担保清单,即 NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List (NSW 190 List)。 新增2个职业移除9个!让人感...
被提名职业在NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List (NSW 190 List) 上* 通过了指定评估机构的技术评估(不能是485所用的职业评估); 递交申请时年龄不满45周岁; 技术移民打分基础分数达55分; 雅思至少4个6 (或同等分数的其它语言考试如:PTE, OET, CAE) ; ...
7月31日:NSW新州190职业清单新鲜出炉 点击率:3107 NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List - 2015-16 , Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) 详情请点击:http://www.andyyimin.com/article.aspx?id=95
NSW190职业清单列表查询:https://www.business.nsw.gov.au/live-and-work-in-nsw/visas-and-immigration/nsw-skilled-occupations-list/nsw-190-priority-skilled-occupation-list (部分职业清单展示) 大家看到现在NSW新州190的技术移民职业清单上有一列是:Additional Criteria。标注YES的则必须要满足工作一年的要求。
【导读】新南威尔士州2016年6月29日和2016年7月5日,分别更新了2016-2017年度190州担保清单(NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List - 2016-17 Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190))与489偏远地区担保职业清单(NSW Regional Skilled Occupation List - Skilled Migration - as at 5 July 2016Skilled Regional ...
your occupation; your country of residence; your age or date of birth; your identification details such as those in your driver’s licence or passport; the information you provide us when preparing an event application along with the content of any declarations made in connection with that applic...