Of the customers listed, the NSW Police is listed as having purchased €1.8 million in FinFisher software, as well as submitting support requests relating to wanting to categorise keylogged conversations to avoid hot water by intruding on legal privilege, asking for reporting features to meet warran...
understanding and involvement in the PCBU’s work health and safety processes that is appropriate in all circumstances. In other words, oversight and reporting lines are maintained.
NSW government proposes suite of 'very tough' domestic violence changes Repeat domestic violence abusers will face additional prison time, while other serious offenders will be required to inform police of any online dating profiles they create, if a suite of legislative reforms are passed in the...
As part of our recruitment process, we will be conducting Pre-Employment Checks with our successful candidates – this will include a police check. Talent Acquisition will provide further updates to candidates as they progress through our recruitment process. Report job Return to Search ...
‘universalism’ focused on welfare and social justice; accepting difference; or preserving nature), however, they add substantial complexity and opacity to the reporting of our values analysis. One of the benefits of Schwartz’s framework is that subsets of the nineteen individual values can be ...