如何申请NSW Photo ID? 你需要准备以下材料: 签证 护照 银行卡 学生卡 Bank Statement 注意:这些材料的姓名和地址一定要一致哦! 接下来,前往最近的Service NSW中心: 填写申请表(NSW Photo Card Application),可以提前在官网上下载并打印填好,也可以现场填写。 工作人员会帮你拿号,然后等着叫号就行啦。 现场拍照,...
https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/about/forms/45071151-nsw-photo-card-application.pdf 申请费$55(5年有效期)或$98(10年有效期)。 一般我们whv申请5年有效就可以辣,申请费真的好贵! 现场拍照: 办卡是现在采集图像的,所以帅哥美女记得打扮好再去,哈哈,照骗将会印在你的Photo Card上。 申请完成后,Pho...
The NSW Photo Card is a voluntary card provided by the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales Australia, for people who do not hold a current NSW driver licence or learner licence (16 year olds), or other form of photo identification, to help them show who they are. It is ...
goto. rms.nsw.gov.auorforfurtherinformationpleasecallthe RMSPhotoLicenceKitUniton61268611663. Paymentscanonlybemadebychequeorbankdraftin AustraliancurrencytoRoadsandMaritimeServices,or bycreditcard(completethecreditcardpaymentslip below).Overseasbankdraftsmustbeendorsedas payablethroughanAustralianbank. DONOTSEND...
Step 7:Get your ID documents ready. In order for Service NSW to process your Photocard application you will need to have your L&GNSW Interim Certificate, AND the correct documents to prove your identity. These must be original documents to the value of at least 100 points that prove your...
You will be issued with a jury card that contains a unique identi ying number. For privacy reasons, this number will be used to re er to you in court and when selecting the jury. The jury process will be explained to you and a ...