The Therapeutic Out of Home Care (OOHC) Project was established to produce an effective strategic response to the therapeutic needs of children and young people in OOHC. The project aimed to develop a body of knowledge and practice to aid children and young people in OOHC who have experienced...
The Recurrent Expenditure Assurance Framework (REAF) outlines the procedures for the application of the NSW Gateway Policy to major recurrent expenditure investments. This Framework sets out the requirements that must be followed by the Delivery Agency, the Major Recurrent Advisory Group (MRAG), t...
2.4 UNICEF has found a positive relationship between low wages and child poverty.3 This is not surprising as while most of the lowest income decile is comprised of people who do not work, there is still a significant portion of low-paid workers in the poorest of the population. Leigh estima...
A culture of medication safety emerged that was welcomed and embraced by patients, carers and families and the clinicians. The project developed a legal and ethical framework on which to base these standardised practices. This project was an initiative of a health promoting palliative care service ...
schools should be licensed to operate within a regulatory framework that ensures that they complement the public school system. Achieving a holistic system based on these principles will take time, care, effort and compromise to achieve, while avoiding damage to the education of any groups of ...