He said if that type of service is maintained and injected into everything else the government does, his strategy will be a success. "The strategy represents a bold vision for ICT reform and cultural change within the NSW government," Dominelllo explained. The three-faceted strategy is foc...
Dubbed as the ICT and Digital Sovereign Procurement Taskforce, it will be responsible for looking into how the state government can increase its spend with SMEs, including Indigenous suppliers, startups, and disability suppliers, as well as ensuring SMEs get a fair go when competing ...
Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW Australia serves teachers and a million students in both government and non-government schools. HSC examinations, School Certificate, state-wide curriculum online, e-Assessment, school registration. DOI: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au 收藏...
The successful candidate will also sit onthe NSW Government CIO Executive Council, the principal forum for ICT strategy within the state government. The state is in the middle of a cost-cutting drive at the moment. One month agoit unveiled plansto reap AU$565 million in ICT savings over the...