Destination NSW may use social media platforms and other interactive online forums or platforms through which we promote and provide our services. We may collect your personal information when you interact with us or mention Destination NSW in public forums while using platforms such as Facebook, In...
● An understanding of government and the credibility to contribute substantially to international trade and investment activities. ● Familiarity and comfort with social media technology and platforms. Desirable Requirements ● Understanding of how trade policy is developed. ● Experience using Salesforce. ...;customer;services;medicare;child-dental-benefits-schedule Google Scholar 15 S Couzos, R Murray Aboriginal Primary Health Care: An Evidence‐based Approach (3rd ed.), Oxford University Press, Melbourne (AUST) (2007) Google Scholar 16 SurveyMonkey online survey tool...
Difficult as it may be to deal with all these priorities, there are very real dangers in deferring action on the schools front. In times past I spent time in schools to inform education policy advice to governments. I was often surprised by the degree of awareness of some young people tha... 相似文献 参考文献Healthy alcohol policy as an injury prevention strategy Alcohol's contribution to injury at both individual and population level is indisputable, and it is commonly identified as the most important single risk factor. Reduction in hazardous patterns...
Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research; 2016. Google Scholar NSW Government: Expected Waiting Times. Accessed 10 Jan 2017. Hulse K, Burke T, Ralston L, Stone W. The Australian private rental sector:...
seeNSWFairTrading’scopyrightpolicy ISBN978-1-921938-05-4 ©StateoNewSouthWalesthroughNSWFairTrading,2012 NSWFairTrading Supportinglocalcommunities Communityoutreachstrategy2012–2015 1Supportinglocalcommunities Overview ...
「オーディエンスの興味」はへの訪問者がどのサイトに関心をもって閲覧しているのかを明らかにします。のオーディエンスはコンピュータエレクトロニクスと技術 > プログラミングおよび開発者ソフトウェアカテゴリとsocial networkに興味をもっていま...
Available online: (accessed on 5 June 2021). Symanzik, J. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. In Handbook of Regional Science; Fischer, M.M., Nijkamp, P., Eds.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany...