State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Bill 202230 March 2022 Bills introduced Racing and Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 202230 March 2022 State Insurance and Care Legislation Amendment Bill 202230 March 2022 Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Amendment Bill 2022...
NSW Farmers has welcomed moves from the State Government to amend biosecurity legislation and introduce on-the-spot fines of $1000 and further biosecurity fines of up to $220,000 per person or $440,000 for corporations. “Biosecurity is critical to farmers, as it ensures our market access and...
Legislation was passed last year to enable the NSW minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight to approve trials of automated vehicles. The legislation allows government to partner with industry, researchers, and universities to be a testing ground for automated vehicles, with the trial touted as bring...
The legislation makes no reference to the ultimate end user of the providers' services. This term was adopted from the Minister's second reading speech. This additional legislative material should not be used to substitute or override statutory language. 'End user' is an inherently ...
This points to the potential power of clear legislation regarding landlord responsibilities in improving housing conditions [71]. It could also be argued that housing standards may play a role. In a recent report of social housing standards, a dwelling could be considered to be of an acceptable ...