The ACT will push ahead to make homes and buildings more accessible despite NSW ruling out changing accessibility standards for new constructions under the National Construction Code (NCC). ACT Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction Rebecca Vassarotti said she was disappointed with the deci...
Make sure the contractor is familiar with your local building codes When hiring a professional contractor, you must ensure they're familiar with your local building codes. These codes are implemented to ensure that all buildings meet minimum safety standards. If your contractor is not familiar with...
Energy refurbishment of public buildings under cultural heritage protection in Serbia: Constraints and potentials By harmonizing national legislation to European codes concerning energy efficiency in building sector, Serbia took commitment to improve energy efficiency of national government buildings. Following ...
(Infrastructure)2007 ISBN9780734759429 ©NSWGovernment2008 NSWDepartmentofPlanning January2008 DP08_005 Disclaimer:Whileeveryreasonableefforthasbeenmadetoensurethatthis documentiscorrectatthetimeofpublication,theStateofNewSouthWales, itsagenciesandemployees,disclaimanyandallliabilitytoany...