NSTE-ACS危险分层评估与规范化诊疗 .1 急性冠脉综合症(ACS)1.AmsterdamEA,etal.2014AHA/ACCNSTE-ACSGuideline.Circulation.2014;000:000–000.2.AmsterdamEA,etal.JAmCollCardiol.2014Sep18..2 1.临床表现2.心电图3.肌钙蛋白 急性冠脉综合症的诊断 可能性低 可能性高 4.诊断 UA:不稳定性心绞痛;NSTEMI:...
Beyond troponins: Emerging diagnostic significance of novel markers in NSTEMIdoi:10.21542/gcsp.2024.33NON-ST elevated myocardial infarctionMATRIX metalloproteinasesPROGNOSISBIOMARKERSVASCULAR remodelingENDOTHELIUM diseasesObjective: This study aims to comprehensively analyze a multiple-marker panel con...
NSTEMI-ACS危险分层与规范化诊疗.ppt,NSTEMI-ACS危险分层与规范化诊疗 TIMI 评分 T: Troponin elevation (or CK-MB elevation) H: History or CAD (50% Stenosis) R: Risk Factors: 3 (HTN, Hyperlipidemia, Family Hx, DM II, Active Smoker) E: EKG changes: ST elevation
Physical examination findings are relatively nonspecific and similar to that described in the Stable Angina Topic Review. Cardiac findings are usually only present during the ischemic episode. During an anginal attack, the heart rate and blood pressure may be elevated due to increas...
顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 外语学习--英语学习 文档标签: uanstemiguidelines2007 系统标签: uanstemiguidelinesahanstemiupdbraunwald UA/NSTEMIGuidelines2007BasedontheACC/AHAGuidelinesfortheManagementofPatientsWithUnstableAngina/Non-ST-ElevationMyocardialInfarction:AReportofthe...
NSTEMI-ACS危险分层与规范化诊疗ppt课件 NSTE-ACS危险分层评估与规范化诊疗 1 急性冠脉综合症(ACS)1.AmsterdamEA,etal.2014AHA/ACCNSTE-ACSGuideline.Circulation.2014;000:000–000.2.AmsterdamEA,etal.JAmCollCardiol.2014Sep18.2 急性冠脉综合症的诊断 可能性低 1.临床表现 可能性高 2.心电图 3.肌钙蛋白 ...
Methods We conducted this study with 22 consecutive pt presenting with NSTEMI (angina pectoris, elevated troponin, no significant changes in ecg) in our ER. Pt with dm were defined as having plasma levels of HbA1c >6.3%. We documented time intervall from onset of chest pain to admission in...
1.临床表现 可能性高 2.心电图 3.肌钙蛋白 4.诊断 UA:不稳定性心绞痛;NSTEMI:非ST段抬高的心肌梗死;STEMI:ST段抬高的心肌梗死 RoffiM,etal.EuropeanHeartJournal.doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehv320 急性冠脉综合症的诊疗流程 急性胸痛hs-cTn<ULN 胸痛>6h胸痛<6h hs-cTn>ULN 3小时再次测hs-cTn +临床...
In patients presenting with NSTEMI undergoing PCI, elevated SHR (>1.14) at hospital admission is strongly associated with an increased risk of type 4a MI post-PCI, independent of major comorbidities and procedural complexity. These findings underscore the importance of SHR as a valuable prognostic ...