The command to type is: 您可以使用 nssm 安装服务。要输入的命令是: nssm install The installer consists of several tabs with lots of configurable parameters. Most are preset to nssm's defaults, so it's possible to install a service without leaving the Application tab. 安装程序由多个选项卡组成...
1:访问:点击下载并解压3:发布应用程序 4:打开控制台=》切换到nssm的安装目录5:输入命令:nssminstall服务名称...) Arguments:MyAop.dll (备注:要运行的dll文件) 附: Command line命令使用文档 ...
# 设置 NSSM 的路径$nssmPath="C:\path\to\nssm-2.24\win64\nssm.exe"# 定义服务列表$services=@(@{ Name ="Service1"; Executable ="C:\path\to\service1.exe"; Description ="Service 1 Description"},@{ Name ="Service2"; Executable ="C:\path\to\service2.exe"; Description ="Service 2 D...
Administrator access is needed to install a service. "Registration completed, please start the service wgcloud-server in the system service (enter services.msc for DOS command to open)" "If the registration service fails or you want to remove the service, please view
No "installation" of nssm is needed. Just place it somewhere on the system (preferably somewhere in your PATH) and run it.不需要“安装”nssm。只需将...
您必须事先关闭服务查看器。运行它可以防止完全删除服务 如果删除不起作用,请参阅如何强制卸载Windows服务 希望这能帮上忙
Installation using the command line --- To install a service, run nssm install <servicename> <application> [<options>] NSSM will then attempt to install a service which runs the named application with the given options (if you specified any). Don't forget to enclose paths in "quotes" if...
Installation using the GUI --- To install a service, run nssm install <servicename> You will be prompted to enter the full path to the application you wish to run and any command line options to pass to that application. Use the system service manager (services.msc) to control advanced s...
1:访问:点击下载并解压 3:发布应用程序 4:打开控制台=》切换到nssm的安装目录 5:输入命令:nssminstall服务名称...) Arguments:MyAop.dll (备注:要运行的dll文件) 附: Command line命令使用文档 ...
Ran command below to install the Grafana-NSSM service c:\windows\nssm.exe install Grafana-NSSM Note: I use the GUI install so I can add Description notes and browsed to c:\Grafana\bin\grafana-server.exe Service Status Issue – it is paused ...