基于该计算器,我们首先比较了发生术后并发症的患者和未发生术后并发症的患者两组风险预测值,发现其差异无明显统计学意义(图2),初步提示ACS-NSQIP手术风险计算器可能不能准确预测开腹宫颈癌根治术后并发症的发生。 图1 ACS NSQIP风险计算...
ACS NSQIP risk calculator reliability in head and neck oncology: The effect of prior chemoradiation on NSQIP risk estimates following laryngectomyCaoAngelaKhayatSarahCashElizabethNickelChristopherGettelfingerJohningentaconnectAmerican Journal of Otolaryngology...
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program surgical risk calculator (ACS-NSQIP SRC) has been designed to predict morbidity and mortality and help stratify surgical patients. This study evaluates the performance of the SRC for patients undergoing surgery for colorectal ...
背景和目的: ACS-NSQIP 手术风险计算器是一个在线工具,用于估计术后并发症的风险。脊索瘤的骶骨切除术与高并发症发生率相关。本研究旨在确定 ACS-NSQIP 计算器能否预测骶骨切除术后的术后并发症。方法: 65 例 (42 例男性,23 例女性) 接受骶骨切除术的患者采用现行的手术术语 (CPT) 编码: 49215 (骶前/骶骨肿...
The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program surgical risk calculator (ACS-NSQIP SRC) has been designed to predict morbidity and mortality and help stratify surgical patients. This study evaluates the performance of the SRC for patients undergoing surgery for colorectal ...
ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator for Radical CystectomyAUA 2014 - Evaluation of the ACS NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator in Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy Jeffrey J. Tomaszewski, MDJames Yoon
Evaluation of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) Surgical Risk Calculator in Predicting Adverse Outcomes among Asian Colorectal Surgical Patients.[Miscellaneous] Journal of the American College of SurgeonsBernardo, Ma Jeanesse Constantino MDSo, Jerel ...
Various surgical risk assessment tools, including the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program® (ACS NSQIP®) risk calculator, have been devised to predict postoperative mortality. However, the role of individual factors on mortality is unclear. We sought to identify...
The ACS NSQIP calculator may be more useful for primary care physicians because it provides individualized risks for numerous complications and is easy to use. If the risk is determined to be low--either an RCRI score <2 or an ACS NSQIP cardiac complication risk <1%--the patient can be ref...
ACS Risk Calculator - Home Page [online]. riskcalculator.facs.org. [Accessed 28 April 2024] Available from: https://riskcalculator.facs.org/RiskCalculator/PatientInfo.jsp. Google Scholar Alikhan et al., 2004 R. Alikhan, A.T. Cohen, S. Combe, M.M. Samama, L. Desjardins, A. Eldor,...