Unexpected Death in Childhood || Fatal Child Maltreatment Part of the prestigious NSPCC Wiley Series in Safeguarding Children - The Multi-Professional Approach. "It gives practical advice to professionals and can be recommended for specialists in legal medicine and specialists from other fields." ......
Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled Children: A Resource for Use in Training and Professional Group Learning, NSPCC, Leicester, 2011. DVD with CD. 125RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSISSEXUAL-ABUSEDISABILITIESFirst page of articledoi:10.1002/car.2210StalkerKirsten
As the UK’s leading children’s charity, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) aims to protect children and prevent abuse. And it has helped more than 10 million children over its long history. Services include Childline, there for worried young people who h...
Minding the Baby® (MTB) is an interdisciplinary home-visiting programme developed to support first-time young mothers, which integrates primary care and mental health approaches into a single intensive intervention from the last trimester of pregnancy until the child’s second birthday. The primary...