近日,西北农林科技大学刘金隆课题组在《Advanced Science》上在线发表题为“Nodulation Signaling Pathway 1 and 2 modulate vanadium accumulation and tolerance of legumes”的研究论文,揭示了结瘤信号通路1(NSP1)和NSP2调控豆科植物钒累积和耐受性的分子机制。草业学院在读硕士研究生刘鹏为论文的第一作者,刘金隆副教...
Characterisation of Putative Transcription Factors (NSP1, NSP2 and NIN) Essential for Nodulation in Medicago truncatulaJiyoung Kim
Maintaining AMF and rhizobial symbioses are expensive to the plant in terms of supplying sources of carbon from photosynthesis, and as such the symbioses are tightly regulated by the availability of nutrients, particularly N-availability in the regulation of nodulation and P-availability in the regula...
Eckardt NA: Nodulation signaling in legumes depends on an NSP1-NSP2 complex. Plant cell 2009, 21 (2) : 367. Publisher Full TextEckardt N A.Nodulation Signaling in Legumes Depends on an NSP1-NSP2 Complex. The Plant Cell . 2009...