51CTO博客已为您找到关于nslookup解析server unknown的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及nslookup解析server unknown问答内容。更多nslookup解析server unknown相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
主要原因在于域控服务器的DNS服务器没有设置反向查找区域,计算机名称是通过IP地址反向查找到域控服务器的计算机名称。 三、解决办法: 1、右键反向查找区域 --- 新建区域。 2、选择下一步。 3、选择主要区域 --- 在Active Directory打勾 --- 下一步。 4、选择第二项 --- 下一步。 5、选择IPv4反向查找区域...
主要原因在于域控服务器的DNS服务器没有设置反向查找区域,计算机名称是通过IP地址反向查找到域控服务器的计算机名称。 三、解决办法: 1、右键反向查找区域 --- 新建区域。 2、选择下一步。 3、选择主要区域 --- 在Active Directory打勾 --- 下一步。 4、选择第二项 --- 下一步。 5、选择IPv4反向查找区域...
C:\Windows\system32>nslookupwww.yahoo.com ** Server: UnKnown** Address: fcee:4:7:9:10:: *** UnKnown can't findwww.yahoo.com: No response from server But if I specify explicitly any of the DNS servers: C:\Windows\system32>nslookupwww.yahoo.comwhite Server: white...
server 2003上,运行nslookup,Default Server提示unknown server。可是我的正向区域与反向区域都已经建立.:提示如下... --->由于在反向搜索区域中,没有包含名称服务器的 PTR 记录所导致的。当没有名称服务器 IP 地址的 PTR 记录时,会出现此错误。当 Nslookup.exe 启动时,它执行反向搜索,以得到默认服务器的名称。
This has started to effect the wifi network and sometimes VPN users. In aan attempt to fix it I changed few settings for DHCP and DNS on the server and i feel i might have made things worse. I did get it to the point where everything is working, except a IPv6 address keeps popping...
Cannot Connect to Domain through Windows Server Core cannot connect using LDP.exe to DC on 636 SSL LDAPS Cannot create a new user object in AD Cannot create new users in Active Directory Cannot delete an user that only shows in ADSIEdit Cannot delete Computer from Active Directory and PC ...
Introduction to netstat: what is netstat and how does it work? Various computer networks are connected with one another via the Internet. In order to build up such connections, both the sending as well as the receiving systems have to provide transfer interfaces, or ports. The command line pr...
Running NSLOOKUP results in this: Default Server: UnKnown Address: >servername (query) Server: Unknown address:f233::3334:asdd:2d3e:teg6...