与查询域名相反,我们可以使用nslookup命令来查询IP地址的主机名。例如,在命令提示符中输入“nslookup”,将返回以下结果: 服务器: public1.114dns.com Address: 名称: ns.lnpta.net.cn Address: 在这个例子中,我们通过查询DNS服务器,返回了IP地址202.96.64.68的主机名ns.l...
it looks up a hostname by name, returning the decimal/hex IP address corresponding to the host. If given an IP address, however, it will perform a reverse lookup and return the host name for the given IP address. TheHOSTSorADDRSlabel for$hostOrIp- required...
Address: answer: Name: xgqfrms.xyz Address: Name: xgqfrms.xyz Address: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3621682/reverse-ip-find-domain-names-on-ip-address/42167278#42167278 https://superuser.com/questions/287577/how-to-find-a-doma...
与查询域名相反,我们可以使用nslookup命令来查询IP地址的主机名。例如,在命令提示符中输入“nslookup”,将返回以下结果: 服务器:public1.114dns.com Address: 名称:dns.google Address: 在这个例子中,我们通过查询DNS服务器,返回了IP地址8.8.8.8的主机名dns.google。 4.国内外常用的...
- 反向查询:可以输入 IP 地址(例如,并按回车键。命令提示符将显示所有已知的该 IP 地址所对应的域名。 - 切换服务器:可以使用命令 server followed by the IP address or hostname of a DNS server to change the default server used by nslookup. For example, server would set the ...
举个例子,如果我们想查询www.example.com对应的IP地址,只需要在终端中输入nslookup www.example.com,nslookup会返回www.example.com对应的IP地址信息。如果用户想反向解析一个IP地址,只需在终端中输入nslookup followed by the IP address,nslookup会返回该IP地址对应的主机名和其他相关信息。
ping出来的是一台服务器的IP,而nslookup是查看该域名有哪几台服务器提供服务,很多公司都使用了负载均衡技术,将用户的访问随机定到某一台服务器上,所以你ping的可能有时候不一样,而nslookup则能看到所有提供服务的服务器。ps:举几个大的厂商的服务器 > baidu.com Non-authoritative answer:Name: ...
其中119.29.29.29是域名服务器地址(腾讯DNSPod DNS),端口为53号,canonical name是别名,Address指的是域名对应的IP地址。 除此之外,可以指定域名服务器,比如nslookup www.baidu.com 然后再使用指定参数查询,如nslookup -q=AAAA www.qq.com的IPV6地址(注:Linux下使用nslookup -q=type domain) ...
To look up a host's IP address using DNS, type the host name and press Enter. Nslookup defaults to using the DNS server configured for the computer on which it is running, but you can focus it on a different DNS server by typingserver<name>(where <name>is the host name of the ser...
Exit, by enteringexit. Treat a built-in command as a computer name by preceding it with the escape character (\). An unrecognized command is interpreted as a computer name. If the computer to find is an IP address and the query is for anAorPTRresource record type, the name of the com...