The command line of the installer. The format of the command line can be one of the following: "full\path to\installer.exe" PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER installer.exe PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER For parsing out the PARAMETER portion, see GetParameters. If /D= is specified on the command lin...
To trigger a build, select “NSIS: Save & Compile” from the command-palette or use the keyboard shortcut. If you prefer working with custom compiler arguments, you can specify them in the package settings. Optionally, you can also specify the path to makensis. Third-party Build Tools ...
Appends commands to the script, can be passed as array or multiline-script. Equivalent of the-Xswitch when usedafterpassing a script. Example postExecute:[`!echo "That's all Folks!"`]; rawArguments Type:string[] Specifies raw arguments formakensis. ...
import*asNSISfrom'makensis';constoptions={verbose:2,define:{SPECIAL_BUILD:true}};try{letoutput=awaitNSIS.compile('path/to/installer.nsi',options);console.log('Compiler output:',output);}catch(error){console.error(error);} API commandHelp ...
Version: 20.1.1 Target: NSIS (Windows) The product version (X.X.X.X) is given to NSIS as a command line variable called VIProductVersion. This build number is generated by the function versionInWeirdWindowsForm() (which can be found in p...
Here is my command def'n: [Command BuildDexApp] entry_point=BuildTools.BuildDexApp:main Any suggestions? Hi Darren, The wrapper scripts that Pynsist creates call yourmain()function with no arguments. You're expecting it to be called with (presumably) the command line args as a list. You...