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NSI Lab Solutions公司(简称“NSI”) NSI成立于2000年,是一家针对生命科学、食品、农业、环境和药wu测试等领域的认证能力测试供应商,也是标准物质的制造商。收购完成后,NSI将与Antylia旗下品牌Spex进行结合,用更完善的产品组合满足潜在的市场机会。 如果您是NSI实验室解决方案公司的客户,那么您仍然可以使用这些产品和...
— NSI Industries, LLC, a leading provider of electrical, HVAC, and building technology product solutions for more than 45 years, has announced that it has moved into its new corporate headquarters, also in Huntersville, N.C. The new 152,000 sq. ft facility, two-and-a-half times the ...
Speakers: David Luna (Luna Global Networks & Convergence Strategies, LLC) Date: 22 August 2024 (Time TBD) Speaker Session Summary US adversaries, including China, Russia, and Iran, aim to diminish Western influence while expanding their own in many countries. They employ various strategies, such...
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The mobile phases comprised the mobile phase flow rate was 1se0t matm1.o0l /mLLC/mHi3nC.OThOeNpHro4p(eprHtie4s.o7f) tohre1d0r umgms aonl/dLthC eHir3cCoOrrOesNpHon4d(ipnHg 6.8), and detection wavelengths are summarized in Tables S2-1 and S2-2. The column ...
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| Capitol Vial | capp | capralogics | capricorn | capricorn products | Capricorn Products LLC | carbomer | carbosynth | Cardinal Health | Cargille R P Lab Inc. | Carltex Inc. | carnabio | CaroteNature | Carver Incorporated | cascade bioscience | cayman | cayman chemical | CDN | cedarlane...
| Capitol Vial | capp | capralogics | capricorn | capricorn products | Capricorn Products LLC | carbomer | carbosynth | Cardinal Health | Cargille R P Lab Inc. | Carltex Inc. | carnabio | CaroteNature | Carver Incorporated | cascade bioscience | cayman | cayman chemical | CDN | cedarlane...
nsi lab solutions 品牌名称 品牌名称: nsi lab solutions 英文名称: nsi lab solutions 品牌性质:自主品牌 查看该公司主页查看该公司的产品立即免费咨询 品牌介绍 美国nsilabsolutionst提供先进的环境能力验证标准,认证质量控制标准,水和废水分析标准物质、有机、无机和微生物标准物质。