detonatorsML8( 歐盟一般軍用貨品清單 )高能爆炸原料 High explosivesubstances or mixtures註 1:Guidelines for nuclear Transfers(INFCIRC/254, Part 1)及 Guidelines for transfers of nuclear-related dual-use equipment, materials, software, and related technology(INFCIRC/254, Part 2)原文,請至下列網址下載:...
NSG Group is committed to maintaining an environment in which employees can report, without fear of retaliation, any conduct they know of or suspect to be in violation of law, Group Code of Ethics policies/procedures or guidelines. For this purpose, the Ethics and Compliance Hotline system ...
The tumors were allowed to grow until the mice began to show signs of distress and/or the tumors were at the limit of ACUC guidelines. Each breast cancer cell line exhibited a distinct rate of growth. Tumor growth and end tumor weight were significantly increased (58...
(1) Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines are available at Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor...
Also consider having formal ethical guidelines, or a group pledge or set of commitments, which people sign at the moment that they fully join. Make sure that any standards you set are ones you are willing to actually enforce (e.g. “you must come to half of all meetings” or “content...
The use of immunodeficient mice transplanted with human hematopoietic stem cells is an accepted approach to study human-specific infectious diseases such as HIV-1 and to investigate multiple aspects of human immune system development. However, mouse and