NSF MERIT REVIEW CRITERIAReports on the plan to reduce from four to two the criteria used to evaluate the funding proposals received by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Disclosure of the two criteria by NSF Director Neil F. Lane developed by a joint NSF-National science Board task force...
•Proposalreviewprocess–Submission–AdministrativeReview–MeritReview–Decisions ProposalSubmission •How?–ViaFastLane(https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov)or–Grants.gov(http://www.grants.gov)•Who?–Universitiesandcolleges–Non-profit,non-academicorganizations–For-profitorganizations–Stateandlocalgovernments–...
Sample NSF Proposal Review FormRead, PleaseBeginning, BeforeMerit, N S FXxxx, N S F Form
The National Science Foundation (NSF), which is often the source of this funding, considers proposed projects based on the criteria of "Intellectual Merit" and "Broader Impacts." However, these merit review criteria have been criticized as being insufficiently specific and not appropriate for all ...
Session: Navigating NSF Workshop: Learn about new NSF initiatives and updates on the merit review process (2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte)
Session: Navigating NSF Workshop: Learn about new NSF initiatives and updates on the merit review process (2012 GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte (47 November 2012))