NSF H1认证食品级润滑脂ArChine Foodcare AC 2 NSF H1认证复合铝基食品级润滑脂 NSF Registration No.142141 产品描述 ArChine Foodcare AC 2食品级润滑脂是一种食品级复合铝基润滑脂。它独特的配方使得它通过了NSF H1与食品偶尔接触的认证。ArChine Foodcare AC 2食品级润滑脂比普通复合铝基脂有较高的滴点。
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF®)International manages a voluntary registration program for non-food compounds and proprietary substances which provides specific ratings to help Food Processing operations understand where certain products should and should not be used. In addition to ourNSF® H1 Hi...
NSFH1认证食品级润滑脂 ArChine Foodcare AC 2 NSF H1认证复合铝基食品级润滑脂 NSF Registration No.142141 产品描述 ArChine Foodcare AC 2食品级润滑脂是一种食品级复合铝基润滑脂。它独特的配方使得它通过了NSF H1与食品偶尔接触的认证。ArChine Foodcare AC 2食品级润滑脂比普通复合铝基脂有较高的滴点。
NSF International / Nonfood Compounds Registration Program Frederic CAPO UNIL OPAL LUBRIFIANTS Bd Jean Moulin - BP 20 - 49402 Sautmur Cedex FRANCE Sautwr October 18, 2002 RE:HYDRO FOOD 46 H1 127381 NSF Registration No.Dear Frederic CAPO:NSF has processed the application for Registration of ...
LFL-H1[High-performance grease for food, medical and cosmetic machines] Working temperature range/LFL-H1 −45ºC~+120ºCGrease Color: LFL50-H1 Beige, LFL180-H1 White ModelPart NumbercapacityConsistencyNSF registration number LFL50-H1-4SC ...
NSFNonfoodCompoundsRegistrationProgramisacontinuationoftheUSDAproductapprovalandlistingprogram, whichisbasedonmeetingregulatoryrequirementsincludingFDA21CFRforappropriateuse,ingredientandlabeling review. Thisproductisacceptableasalubricantwithincidentalfoodcontact(H1)foruseinandaroundfoodprocessing ...
价格:面议更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:1 主营产品:冷冻油,空压机油,食品级润滑油,干燥剂,硅油,高温链条油,真空泵油,24KT润滑油,S油,K油,L油,硅胶 供应商:上海坪尧贸易有限公司 更多优质供应商> 所在地:上海市徐汇区上海徐汇区漕溪路250号银海大楼A1207 ...
NSF Registration No. 142141 Place of Origin: America Product Description ArChine Foodcare AC 2 is aluminum-complex-thickened grease, formulated with food grade base oils. Its unique formulation allows it to pass the NSF H-1 standard for incidental food contact. ArChine Foodcare AC 2 has a hi...