主攻Program我主要申请的是NSF CISE Core。常见的项目规模有Small和Medium,我还没有投过Large和OAC Core。Small项目可以在任何时间投递,3年$600K;Medium项目在10月投递,4年$1.2M。另外还有一个CAREER Program,在7月底投递,常见规模是5年$550K-600K。 PI和RA的数量不同规模的项目对应不同的PI和RA数量。学校会...
Currently there are three open solicitations that can request cloud resources via CloudBank: Cyber-physical Systems, Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation, and the CISE Core Programs. CloudBank maintains a page of past and currentNSF solicitations that are eligible...
robotics, and quantum computing. This year, three more awards are added to the portfolio. These projects have the potential for far-reaching and enduring impacts to advance core science and engineering principles across multiple domains, build and motivate...
CISE BIO Sensors Dynamics of Coupled Natural & Human Systems (CNH) GEO ENG Nanotech & Society MPS Ecology of Infectious Disease Biology & Society NSF-Wide Initiatives Cyberinfrastructure Cyber-enabled Discovery & Innovation (CDI) Funding Partners Joint-Funded Programs Social, Behavioral & Economic ...
geniiisworkshopnsfthemesresearch NSF IIS-GENI WORKSHOP REPORT First Edition Les Gasser (Workshop PI), University of Illinois Art Sanderson (Co-Organizer), RPI Stan Zdonik (Co-Organizer), Brown University With contributions from Samarth Swarup, University of Illinois Contents Preface 1. Overview of...