Reveals that the National Science Foundation (NSF) is looking to double its public affairs staff with four new hires. One to be designated chief of the agency's internal publications; Others to help with press releases and answer calls from the media; The NSF quarterly 'Mosaic' will go out...
Chicago and Michigan a $4 million, four-year grant to produce SLATE, a new online platform for stitching together large amount of data from multiple institutions that reduces friction commonly found in multi-faceted collaborations.
“We strongly believe and respect commitments from the Presidency. We take them by their words. It’s a strong message to us that they are strongly committed to redeeming their pledge to support us for the loses suffered arising from the three postponements of the games. “The LOC appre...
In 2003, CEO Mangino retired and was replaced by Kevan Lawlor, an 18-year veteran of the firm who had served as chief financial officer and head of the NSF-ISR subsidiary. During the eight years of Mangino's leadership, the organization had quadrupled in size. The year 2003 also saw th...
February 11, 2025 The current paradigm of generative AI (genAI) and large language models (LLMs) may soon be obsolete, according to Meta’s Chief AI Scientist, Yann LeCun. He argues that new breakthroughs are needed for the systems to un Read more…Leading...
ThomasN.Cooley ChiefFinancialOfficer& Director,OfficeofBudget,Finance&AwardManagement NSF04-23July,20042 AbouttheNationalScienceFoundation TheNationalScienceFoundation(NSF)isanindependentFederalagencycreatedbytheNationalScience FoundationActof1950,asamended(42USC1861-75).TheActstatesthepurposeoftheNSFis"topromote...
The following year Córdova accepted an offer to chair Pennsylvania State University’s department of astronomy and astrophysics. Córdova remained at Penn State until 1993, when she was hired to serve as chief scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the very ...
The instructors, Staff Seageant or Chief Staff Seagent, are all very critical toward the cadets at the beginning, causing self-denial mentality to the cadets. This can be used to form a detailed oriented habit of cadets and set up a power order between the cadets and the instructors. Howev...
[32] The Trustees elect a President to serve as the chief executive officer of the Institute and administer the affairs on the Institute on behalf of the board, a Provost who serves as the chief academic officer of the Institute below the President, and ten other vice presidential and other...
CESR-Fin is a 5 permanent group on financial reporting and is chaired by John Tiner, Chief Executive of the UK FSA. Michel Colinet is the secretary of CESR-Fin. 15. In addition, under the terms of CESR's Public Statement of Consultation Practices (Ref: CESR/01-007c), a ...