8. Check and Reset Your Internet. The NSES-500 error message on Netflix could also indicate that your network connection is running slow. If this is the case, run a speed test on your network usingFast.comto measure its current upload and download bandwidth. If the result shows that your...
古斯塔夫 莫哈奇的旧账不可不算 | 虽然这篇文章怼的是@苏埃托尼乌斯 ,但后文又翻起了莫哈奇的旧账,说匈牙利的600门小炮乃是“钩枪”,那就得好好说道了。拉丁记载原文说的是“Tormenta maiora bellica 85, minora, que nos barbatos Pragenses appellmaus, VIc”(85门大炮,600门名为布拉格胡子的小炮)200...