Nifty Bank 48,344.70 -399.10(-0.82%) 开盘最高最低收盘量 昨收 48,743.8 开盘 48,437.55 1年涨跌幅 2.24% 量 287,716,653 平均成交量 (3个月) 147,005,352 当日幅度 48,078.7-48,574.5 52 周范围 45,828.8-54,467.35 技术 强力卖出 卖出 ...
Listing of Bank Nifty on Futures Segment of NSE and its Impact on Spot Market VolatilityLakshmi, V. D. M. V.Joshi, MedhaPrajnān
category (string): The category symbol.[NIFTY,BANKNIFTY,SME,FO,OTHERS,ALL] Returns: A promise that resolves to the preOpenMarket data. nseLive.holidayList() Fetches holidayList for NSE. Parameters: Returns: A promise that resolves to the holidayList data. ...
1. NSE Equity Stocks. 2. NSE Future Index (NIFTY, BANKNIFTY & CNX IT). 3. NSE Currency Futures (USDINR, JPYINR, GBPINR, EURINR). 4. Intraday Chart for Stocks, Futures and Currency. 5. RSI Intraday Signals. Intraday Candlestick Chart with moving averages and volume. ...
Moneycontrol is India's leading financial information source. Manage your finance with our online Investment Portfolio, Live Stock Price, Stock Trading news, Live CNBC TV18, Share Market, Views and Analysis on Equity and Stock Markets Tips, sensex, nifty
汇通财经APP讯——【印度股市势将连续第三天下跌 信实集团领跌】10月1日讯,印度主要股指势将连续第三个交易日下跌,信实工业(Reliance Industries)和HDFC Bank拖累股指。NSE Nifty 50指数下跌0.2%至25753;孟买SENSEX指数跌幅相近。Reliance Industries下跌0.8%对NSE Nifty 50指数拖累最大。在该指数的50只股票中17只上...
HDFC Nifty PSU Bank ETF (HDFK) 孟买BSE 创建提醒 添加至投资组合 59.20 -1.28 -2.12% 14/02 - 闭盘. INR 货币 类型: 交易所交易基金 市场: 印度 发行商: HDFC Asset Management Co Ltd ISIN: INF179KC1HW4 S/N: HDFCPSUBK 资产类别: 股票 量: 2,790 卖价/买价: 59.07 / ...
Johansen and Juselius multivariate co integration analysis indicates the presence of a long-term dynamic relationship between the NSE bank nifty and monetary variables. Unidirectional Granger causality is found between monetary variables and the NSE bank nifty index. Unidirectional casual relationship is ...