NSDI’23为作者提供了两个提交截止日期的选择。从春季截止日期开始的已接受论文列表如下。整个计划将于1月发布,届时将发布春季最终论文PDF,但仅限注册与会者使用。四月,完整的会议记录以及所有最终的PDF文件都将发布。 Spring Accepted Papers BGL: GPU-Efficient GNN Training by Optimizing Graph Data I/O and Prep...
which brings together experts in computer networks and distributed systems. Asilver sponsor(opens in new tab)for the conference, Microsoft is a leader in developing innovative technologies for networking, and we are proud to have contributed to 30 papers accepted this...
Processes for Accepted Papers If your paper is accepted and you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please contact conference@usenix.org as soon as possible. Visa applications are reportedly taking more than two months to process. Please identify yourself as ...
accepted papers. For example, talks may be shorter than in prior years, or some parts of the conference may be multi-tracked. Regardless, all accepted papers will receive equitable treatment with respect to talk length (i.e., no division of accepted papers into "short talks" and "long ...
A complete list of Microsoft papers accepted at USENIX NSDI’23: Understanding RDMA Microarchitecture Resources for Performance Isolation (opens in new tab), Xinhao Kong and Jingrong Chen, Duke University; Wei Bai, Microsoft; Yechen Xu, Shanghai Jiao...
Accepted papers may be shepherded through an editorial review process by a member of the Program Committee. Based on initial feedback from the Program Committee, authors of shepherded papers will submit an editorial revision of their paper to their Program Committee shepherd. The shepherd will revi...