[2] Bao-Dong Qin , Xiao-Dong Jiao , Yan Wang,et al. Effect of smoking habits on the efficacy of EGFR TKI plus anti-angiogenic agent in advanced EGFR-mutant NSCLC. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2022.06.006 往期回顾丨淼淼的...
本文通过生物统计学知识,识别了一个位点(cg05293407 TRIM27),将其确定为LUSC预后的潜在生物标志物,并进一步识别了其甲基化-吸烟可能存在交互作用,进一步解释了cg05293407 TRIM27在整个组织学中的异质作用。作者的发现可能为NSCLC患者提供了潜在的治疗靶点。 标题:Epigenetic‐smoking interaction reveals histologically hetero...
[2]Bao-Dong Qin , Xiao-Dong Jiao , Yan Wang,et al. Effect of smoking habits on the efficacy of EGFR TKI plus anti-angiogenic agent in advanced EGFR-mutant NSCLC.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lungcan.2022.06.006 往期回顾丨淼淼的其他精彩文章 介入治疗在肺癌中的应用 AACR速递, EGFR四代药物有哪...
1.Brunet JS, Ghadirian P, Rebbeck TR, Lerman C, Garber JE, Tonin PN, Abrahamson J, Foulkes WD, Daly M, Wagner-Costalas J, Godwin A, Olopade OI, Moslehi R, et al. Effect of smoking on breast cancer in carriers of mutant BRCA1 o...
Although important progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, it is important to note that on a global level, approximately 70% of lung cancers could be avoided by smoking cessation. So tobacco control is very important. In addition, screening with new diagnostic moda...
2019年6月发表在Cell上的的研究显示,通过对138例肺腺癌样本的全基因组测序数据进行分析,发现与吸烟相关度低的肺腺癌患者(Smoking-signature-lowLADCs)中74%的已知融合癌基因是由Chromothripsis(染色体碎裂)、Chromoplexy(染色体编织)等复杂的基因组重排产生的(包括EML4-ALK、CD74-ROS1和KIF5B- RET等等)。融合癌基因...
Background Smoking cessation has been reported to benefit patients even after a diagnosis of lung cancer. We studied the smoking behavior of patients who participated in a phase 3 trial of adjuvant therapy following resection of stages IB-IIIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods ECOG-...
SMOKINGLUNG cancerDRUG targetNON-small-cell lung carcinomaObjective: Lung cancer, the most prevalent malignancy, is typically diagnosed at an advanced stage. Smoking is a pivotal risk factor for NSCLC, yet the impact of various smoking statuses on NSCLC remains unclear. Thus...
[35] Lisberg A, Garon EB. The Italian Nivolumab Expanded Access Program Confirms the Limitations of Single-Agent PD-1 Inhibition in EGFR-Mutant and Never-Smoking Patients with NSCLC. J Thorac Oncol. 2018. 13(8): 1058-1059. [36] Hui R, Özgüroğlu M, Villegas A, et al. Patient-re...
As the leading cause of cancer-related mortality, lung cancer is a worldwide health issue that is overwhelmingly caused by smoking. However, a substantial minority (~25%) of patients with non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has never smoked. In these patients, activating mutations of the epid...