NSABPB-32 ClinicallyNegativeAxillaryNodesRandomization Stratification•Age•ClinicalTumorSize•TypeofSurgery GROUP1 SN+AD(2807)GROUP2 SN(2804)Intraopcytology&postopHE SNPos 829pts SNNeg(SN+AD)FU 1,975pts SNPos+AD 793pts KragDetal:ASCO2010Abstr.LBA505LancetOncology,2010 SNNeg(SNonly)FU 2,011...
乳腺癌前哨淋巴结活检NSABP B32.pdf,Articles Sentinel-lymph-node resection compared with conventional axillary-lymph-node dissection in clinically node-negative patients with breast cancer: overall survival fi ndings from the NSABP B-32 randomised phase
Krag DN, Anderson SJ, Julian TB, et al. Sentinel-lymph-node resection compared with conventional axillary-lymph-node dissection in clinically node-negative patients with breast cancer: overall survival findings from the NSABP B-32 randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2010;11(10):927-933. DO...
B-32临床试验NSABP PROTOCOL B-32临床试验 * 递洱腥峭卜诗褥良促畴退坦蚕抬熬酣煎写瞻皖掷富供港衷汽在锗挣战逃络NSABP PROTOCOL B-32临床试验NSABP PROTOCOL B-32临床试验 * 自序状晋夜信谷胞哗此谓夺檄亥股词彝嫁豢孺纲尺显裂狱佰粒邹阔瞅旨躺NSABP PROTOCOL B-32临床试验NSABP PROTOCOL B-32临床...
5611 women with invasive breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive either SLN resection followed by immediate conventional ALND (n=2807; group 1) or SLN resection without ALND if SLNs were negative on intraoperative cytology and histological examination (n=2804; group 2) in the B-32 trial...
保乳治疗B-06研究 •本试验规定,保乳两组若出现同侧肿瘤复发,可行乳房切除或肿瘤扩大切除就不作为治疗失败。同时不影响DFS。保乳治疗B-06研究 ••••••研究日期1976.08-1984.01设计方法确诊乳腺癌(肿瘤长径≤4cm)伴有或不伴临床腋窝淋巴结肿大cTNM分期Ⅰ或Ⅱ期女性患者 保乳治疗B-06研究 •...
NSABP B-32对前哨淋巴结活检阴性的患者,随机接受进一步清扫或放弃清扫,结果两组腋窝复发率、DFS、OS均无显著差异。该临床试验确立了前哨淋巴结活检阴性的患者避免腋清扫的标准。B-32这个先导性研究进一步拓展了前哨淋巴结微转移或宏转移患者免于腋清扫的可能性,如IBCSG 23-01(1-2枚微转移免于清扫)、ACOSOG Z0011(...
5611 women with invasive breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive either SLN resection followed by immediate conventional ALND (n=2807; group 1) or SLN resection without ALND if SLNs were negative on intraoperative cytology and histological examination (n=2804; group 2) in the B-32 trial...