纽约市 New York City 811 10th Avenue 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 它建于1964年,是纽约市第一个电信大楼。位于Hell's Kitchen区的醒目的混凝土和花岗岩建筑,距中央公园约15分钟步行路程,建筑高134米,共有21层,每个楼层都是无窗的,并且可以抵抗核爆。 “纽约时报” 1975年发表的一篇文章指出,第10大街811号是该...
New York City 811 10th Avenue 它建于1964年,是纽约市第一个电信大楼。位于Hell's Kitchen区的醒目的混凝土和花岗岩建筑,距中央公园约15分钟步行路程,建筑高134米,共有21层,每个楼层都是无窗的,并且可以抵抗核爆。 “纽约时报” 1975年发表的一篇文章指出,第10大街811号是该城市“将要建造的几座无窗设备中的...
The buildings in question are in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC, The Intercept reported on Tuesday, quoting material from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In an exhaustive article, the Intercept said its reporters had examined ...
Binney left the NSA a month after the September 11 attacks in New York City in 2001, days after controversial counter-terrorism legislation was enacted -- the Patriot Act -- in the wake of the attacks. Binney stands jaded by his experience leaving the shadowy eavesdropping agency, but impassio...
An unhackable quantum internet is being built in New York CityAlthough it is unclear when such computers will emerge, NIST has been running a project since 2012 to standardise a new generation of algorithms that resist their attacks. Bernstein, who coined the term post-quantum cryptography...
The NSA claims that the Boggie Man is out there and he's stalking you and your family, and if you don't let the NSA do what they want then terrorists are going to kill you and your family and blow up an atomic bomb in New York City. And you have to trust the NSA and not know...
from Laura Poitras and Henrik Moltke that dives deep into the culture of the NSA, with special attention paid to uncovering documents and reports that chronicle how NSA employees operate, along with the purported existence of a top secret surveillance site located in the heart of New York City....
NASA cites the 1908 airburst of a 40 to 60 meter asteroid over Tunguska, Russia, which leveled 2,000 square kilometers of forest. If that were to happen over New York City, it would cause millions of casualties. NASA says it would be unlikely to detect an near-Earth object of this siz...
reports that the FBIs Joint Terrorism Task Force, military intelligence and local police departments have all been engaged in monitoring peaceful groups including Greenpeace, PETAthe People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Catholic Worker, anti-war groups and even bicyclists in New York City. ...
moving pieces of information seem perfect for dealing with something like responding to a natural disaster or managing the day to day flows of a major city such as routing traffic or managing services- something IBM is pioneering with itsSmart Cities Projects in New York City and Rio De ...