6.7 The NSA/SHEBA Cloud and radiation comparison study (2005 - Annual2005_8polar)The NSA/SHEBA Cloud and radiation comparison study ( Annualpolar)
As an example take what Rudder calls” Wooderson’s Law” after the character from Dazed and Confused who said in the film “That’s what I love about these high school girl, I get older while they stay the same age”. What Rudder has found is that heterosexual male attraction to female...
Not to mention, it’s better to work on screws with a screwdriver rather than an old hammer. 😉 So, what to do? The first idea I had was to look into high level systems of the past. The LISP machines came to mind. You referenced a Scheme system I didn’t know about. Then, th...
highschool science classes and passed. Some further things like “radiation transport” where very high frequency high energy particles or radiation work their way down to the ultimate form of polution (heat) undergraduates get to grips with mathmatically but the average person can understand enough...
A neighbor of Snowden's in Maryland said when Snowden was a teenager, she would often see him on his computer late at night, but she always assumed he was doing school work, unaware that he reportedly dropped out of school. "I was just totally shocked when I found out that the whistle...
As it stands, officials have said, the program is not gathering most cell phone billing records, which account for an increasing share of domestic phone calls. Under both the House and the Senate bills, the NSA would have been able to query those records, provided the agency can work throug...
In 1988, NY judge Thomas Griesa rebuked the FBI in a suit brought in 1973 by a high school student in New Jersey. So for as far as regular mail in the US is concerned, your statement is mostly correct. Smith v. Maryland didn’t invent a distinction between metadata and content, so ...
Possibly related, Shadow Brokers has doxxed former NSA people who work for Arab governments. Also, one political rant urged Trump to embrace the policies of Steve Bannon, which would probably refer to a hard anti-Iran stance. Also, SB threatens to blackmail the US with information about how ...
The online anonymity network Tor is a high-priority target for the National Security Agency. The work of attacking Tor is done by theNSA‘s application vulnerabilities branch, which is part of the systems intelligence directorate, or SID. The majority of NSA employees work in SID, which is ta...