June 18, 2014 GCHQ report on the technical abilities of the powerful spying program TEMPORA, which allows for a "full take" Der Spiegel June 18, 2014 Report on a WHARPDRIVE incident in an SSO presentation Der Spiegel June 18, 2014 Details on XKeyscore from an internal GCHQ website Der ...
You’re right Marie, that certainly doesn’t happen in America. Except in major subway systems like New York and Washington DC where the cops do “random” bag searches as a condition of riding. Or at the airport where full-body scanners are employed on children, the elderly and the disab...
especially to have become blind after a lifetime of being able to see, is to realize that there is a form to the world which is shrouded in darkness, that one can get to know only in bare outlines, and only with indirect methods
If you look at XOR and ADD the actual “Least Significant Bit”(LSB), is identical in behaviour. That is the XOR or “half adder” is the same as a “full adder” without “carry input”. Whilst it’s always true of the LSB it can also be true of other bits. Likewise for...
These records can be found in Find My Roast. This is essentially a full time job. This is something that we technically don’t have to do, but in chasing our goal of having the world’s best coffee we can’t know exactly how each roast measures up without cupping it. We have more...
In country like the USA, NSA already has full telco cooperation, so all your voice and data traffic is analyzed sort of passively. Other countries pursue similar collection activities. This is well known. This this gives GCHQ access direct access to the phone. As pwned4real posted, very, ve...
. . . The interception of international communications signals sent through the air is the job of NSA; and, thanks to modern technological developments, it does its job very well. The danger lies in the ability of the NSA to turn its awesome technology against domestic communications. ... Co...
These records can be found in Find My Roast. This is essentially a full time job. This is something that we technically don’t have to do, but in chasing our goal of having the world’s best coffee we can’t know exactly how each roast measures up without cupping it. We have more...
of the 215 program. "Now that this program is finally being examined in the sunlight, the Executive Branch’s claims about its legality and effectiveness are crumbling. The President should end mass surveillance immediately. If not, Congress needs to finish the job and finally end this dragnet....
it can make use of everything discovered and openly published by the academic world, as well as everything discovered by it in secret. the nsa has a lot of people thinking about this problem full-time. according to the black budget summary , 35,000 people and $11 billion annually are ...