Official GitHub account for NSA Cybersecurity Directorate. Formerly branded as NSA Cybersecurity, NSA Information Assurance, & Information Assurance Directorate - NSA Cybersecurity Directorate
The directorate will “redefine [NSA's] cybersecurity mission,” Nakasone said in a statement. “What I’m trying to get to in a space like cyberspace is speed, agility and unity of effort.” The directorate will be led by Anne Neuberger, who previously headed the agency’s Russia Small ...
NSA网络安全负责人称:“几乎每个国家”都有网络漏洞利用计划 美国国家安全局(NSA)下属的网络安全局(Cybersecurity Directorate)局长罗布。乔伊斯在科罗拉多州阿斯彭网络峰会(the Aspen Cyber Summit)上说:“现在世界上几乎每个国家都有网络漏洞利用计划。”(言外之意,美国同样在这类国家之列。这算是威胁还是警告!)该负...
“这是在预防但也要击败对手。”新董事会的技术总监尼尔·兹林(Neal Ziring)星期四表示,新的网络安全局的重点是从受害组织中消除黑客 "Kicking out the adversary" is part of new Cybersecurity Directorate"s mission, NSA says 下图为黑鸟找的美国国家安全局(NSA)的综合网络中心,那里将成为提供实时情报和24/7...
NSA Standing Up New Cybersecurity DirectorateThe National Security Agency said Tuesday it is standing up a new cyber security office aimed at consolidating intelligence and cyber defense mission efforts, as well as preventing digital threats to the defense industrial base.Matthew Beinart...
“When the new cybersecurity directorate was first stood up, we noted we wanted to do things differently,” said Anne Neuberger, the director of the department. “We want a new approach to sharing, to build trust with the cybersecurity community. This is one key aspect of that...
The National Security Agency (NSA), along with the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and other agencies, has published a new cybersecurity advisory (CSA) that explains how a People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored cyber group is successfully conducting cyberattacks. […] Defense &...
Cybersecurity Directorate Summer Intern Program (CSDIP) Hawaii CAE Cyber Operations Summer Internship Analysis and Languages These internships are focused on students with language skills in foreign languages. Interns may work in translation and interpretation, analysis of specific languages, and support ...
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