直接代码执行(DCE)是ns-3的框架,它提供了在ns-3内执行用户空间和内核空间网络协议或应用程序的现有实现的工具,而无需更改源代码。 例如,可以使用真实的ping应用程序来代替使用ns-3的ping类应用程序的实现。 您还可以在仿真中使用Linux网络堆栈。 有关更多说明,请访问: : 文献资料 如有疑问,请先参考文档: 可...
Quick Start: The document describes a quick instruction of DCE. User’s Guide: The document is for people who will use DCE to experiment. DCE Outlook To run an application using DCE, it isnotnecessary tochangeits sources. However you will need torecompilethem. ...
I am trying to build ns3-dce using waf. However, I am getting error when I am passing configuration parameters for waf inside ns3-dce. The error is related to setting ns3 core directory. Here are the steps I have followed to build with waf: 1. Download pybindgen (optional) bzr clone ...
This is the manual of Direct Code Execution (DCE). Doxygen: Documentation of the public APIs of the DCE Manual(this document)for thelatest releaseanddevelopment tree This document is written inreStructuredTextforSphinxand is maintained in thedoc/directory of ns-3-dce’s source code. ...
I am trying to build ns3-dce using waf. However, I am getting error when I am passing configuration parameters for waf inside ns3-dce. The error is related to setting ns3 core directory. Here are the steps I have followed to build with waf: ...