c1-comp Mono(0) 插件自动激活教程(0) 母带处理(0) Cubase唱歌效果包下载(0) Cubase Elements 11喊麦效果下载(0) 调音视频(0) Cubase喊麦效果包下载(0) 创新声卡安装KX驱动(0) NoiseAsh Audio自动激活脚本(0) Overloud自动激活脚本(0) SAM综合效果包(0) 恐龙母带插件自动激活(0) T-RackS 5自动激活(0) ...
After 10 to 14 days, culture fluids from wells containing hybridoma cell growth were screened for the presence of a monospecific antibody as follows. Each of the hybridoma supernatants from the NS1 fusions were tested by the EIA procedure described in Example 1 with the synthetic peptide a.a. ...
After this mono-ubiquitination, the ubiquitin moiety itself can be ubiquitinated on eight amino groups: on the ε-amino groups of its seven K residues (K6, K11, K27, K29, K33, K48 and K63) and on the α-amino group of its N-terminal methionine. Various poly-ubiquitin chains can ...