关键字:EATON伊顿,断路器,NS1-63-NA 产品简介: 应用领域:这款断路器可能适用于需要电路保护和控制的多种场景,如配电系统 、工业自动化、建筑设施等。 产品介绍 【本链接内容均来源于品牌厂商】 EATON伊顿断路器NS1-63-NA 应用领域:这款断路器可能适用于需要电路保护和控制的多种场景,如配电系统 、工业自动化、...
Table 1. Genetic relationships between the HA and NA surface proteins of H3N2 challenge viruses and those of the vaccine strain. Virus strain (abbreviation)H3 swIAV lineageN2 swIAV lineage% aa identity HA1HA2NA A/swine/Texas/4199-2/98 (TX98) N. Am. cluster I N. Am. 1998 100.0 (40)...
found that mAb AA12 is able to significantly improve the survival rates of mice at doses of 20 mg per kg (83%) or 10 mg per kg (53%) during MR766 challenge and at a dose of 10 mg per kg (63%) during PAN/2015 challenge. Moreover, both doses of wildtype AA12 ...
The NS1 protein inhibits type-I interferon (IFN) production partly by blocking the TRIM25 ubiquitin E3 ligase-mediated Lys63-linked ubiquitination of the viral RNA sensor RIG-I, required for its optimal downstream signaling. In order to understand possible mechanisms of viral adaptation and host ...
A 型流感病毒(Influenza A virus ,IAV )是一种具 有包膜的、基因组分节段的负链RNA 病毒,基因组大小约为14kb 。IAV 基因组由8个RNA 节段组成,大小从890个碱基到2341个碱基不等,可编码最多14种蛋白:血凝素(HA )、神经氨酸酶(NA )、聚合酶蛋白(PA 、PB1和PB2)、核蛋白(NP )、基质蛋白(...
Viral infection often leads to changes in cellular lipid metabolism62,63, and the essential role of fatty acids in viral replication is increasingly being appreciated47,62,63,64,65. Some viral proteins, including NS3 of dengue virus and NS4B of HCV, were shown to interact and modulate FASN ...
Therefore, to identify whether ubiquitina- tion was involved in the NS1-mediated regulation of Rac1, we co-transfected Myc-Rac1 and HA-Ub with pcD- NA3.0-NS1 or pcDNA3.0 in 293T cells. Then, a GST-pull down assay was performed on these samples. As shown in Fig. 4A, the presence...
SDJ-3NA-SDJ-SG-02Y-03-02三线制振动速度传感器 ZHJ-3D-A1-B1-C2-D0水轮发电机组低频振动传感器 RS990-05-90-03-00离心机振动传感器24V YD9200A-S-20V-01-B06-00K-00汽轮机振动探头 RS900905-00-12汽轮机转速探头 CZ871-A030-B02电机转速位移传感器DC24V ZA-210803-00-05-40-02电机转速传感...