(1)如题15-1图所示,请在图中标出磁体a端和b端的磁极名称,并标出小磁针静止时的S极.L NS JJ吉PE Sa()电源USB接口题15-1图题15-2图题15-3图(2)(2024潮州一模)如题15-2图中,闭合开关,小磁针静止在螺线管左侧,在图中括号内标出电源“+”或“ -”极,并用箭头标出图中磁感线方向.(3)(2024...
7d1 y【 】offa【6 】 D.aouap ha fì【8 】a'【L 】nbyun'F10an【9 】pa1pa pazu【 I 】pa1sa【 】66ns a60op1【 醋】ssau1Dìp【 】ns'11 b1 1p pa pa11 a【 】anou'dosa dunl bu bu,buist but【0 】uoL s' a p1o'aa【6 】s1 a suoss bu bui【8醋 】L bu1【 醋】...
KepoL 'Ztuuousi yred an u sai (A) I Apum (aq))1I09(asouedef)wo] are suared(AoueN)69so u n (s!)o8e uo uoI 89ipam(aJ)aus(op)sIsmo ays sI, ‘(se)pue [ a 1e (1uod) !L '99Suuou s1 ooz a1 o1(03)KaLMou wo 1(q)ue nS pue ...
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compliance / kam'plaians / n.服从,遵守;迁就 supply /sa'plaI/ v.供应,提供 n.供给量,储备 plenty / 'plenti / pron.大量,众多 adv.大量,很多 plentiful / 'plentif(a)l / adj.丰富的,众多的 plentitude/'plenta,tu:d /n.充分(表示情况、状态丰富) ...
结果1 结果2 题目四、按要求完成下列各句1. She said nothing, just standing there in___/'saɪləns/.2. When my father got home, I was fold my clothes. ( )___ A B C3. Why don't you give her some flowers for her birthday?(改为同义句)___ ___ give her some flowers for...
1V. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.1. The___ /'saɪləns/ in the room made everyone nervous.2. We can get ___ /'ju:sfl/ information here.3. There is a ___/'ʃeltə(r)/ on my way home.4. I took part in the English summer ___ /k...
C CH HE EM MI IC CA AL L E EN NG GI IN NE EE ER RI IN NG G T TR RA AN NS SA AC CT TI IO ON NS S Study of Sphingopyxis Isolates in Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Phenenahtrene, anthracene and pyrene are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which have ...
突然转变Sans(子弹地狱) ABCSans绘画 475 1 三重往日时光(质量不是很好) ABCSans绘画 300 0 三重邪骨(有亿点垃圾) ABCSans绘画 595 2 Sans ABCSans绘画 180 0 精神错乱(但音乐是Papyrus ) ABCSans绘画 293 0 三重邪骨 ABCSans绘画 173 0 Horror sans ABCSans绘画 285 0 女生不要轻易尝试支教...
朝南眉目冷蹙,盯着📁🗻♐这片比海域更为宽广的植物,植物地域魔气并不🎍重,相反只要有植物生长的地域🍛🈲🂐,魔气是最轻的。 然而百灵与白凤熙还是感觉到了一丝危🅿险,总觉得不能轻易🍖踩👗进去,越是平静越危险。 明清幽幽转醒,惊喜的🁂🃁🔶看见他们,“三殿⛜🛐🛥下,我们终于找到...